How to Avoid Top 4 Hospital Accounts Receivable Problems?
The value of Hospital Accounts Receivable is a high-risk field. It is extremely sophisticated, and because it is based on assumptions and estimation, it is prone to errors and fraud. But that's only the beginning. Hospital Accounts Receivable is compounded further by frequent regulatory changes, ever-changing payment methods, increased usage of high-deductible health plans (HDHPs), and the addition of vast pools of formerly uninsured persons driven into health plans by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). To make matters more difficult, collection varies by patient and plan, and collection timeframes might range from days to years. As a result, many present Hospital Accounts Receivable valuation methodologies are not adjusting effectively, and businesses must figure out how to evaluate and calculate impacts, as well as make modifications to account for them. Many established Hospital Accounts Receivable rules and procedures aren't changing properly, and organizations have to deal wi...